Git, Symlinks, and GNU Stow: How To Manage Your Dotfiles

18 January 2024

I wanted to start managing my dotfiles for two reasons:

So, as anyone would do, I looked into the existing solutions and decided to go with Stow, and store my dotfiles on GitHub.

Why Not Just a Git Repo?

I'm sure some people out there are thinking this question, or they maybe are unsure of which method of managing dotfiles to use.

The "just use a git repo" approach tends to focus on making your entire home directory a git repository (typically using git --bare), and adding a gitignore file to ignore every file in your home directory and only add your dotfiles.

I personally do not like the idea of having my home directory as a giant git repo, but each to their own. Using a git repo (most likely with --bare as most tutorials will tell you) also feels like a sure way to accidentally push secrets or personal stuff to a public git repo - at least, knowing me, I’d probably end up making that mistake. I’d rather specify exactly what dotfiles I want to be symlinked, and be explicit about it.

It would be great if you could git init inside the .config directory, but then you'd have to worry about .zshrc or other home level dotfiles, which means symlinks, which is fine but Stow does something similar whilst handling symlinking for you.

If you're not opting for a git --bare repo, then your next option is symlinks - which can be handled nicely for you with GNU Stow. As stow is a "symlink farm manager" it's probably a good idea to have a brief understanding of symlinks so you know what this tool is actually going to be doing on your machine.

Here's an extremely quick explanation:

For example, if you symlink hello.txt to new.txt and then open new.txt, you will actually be editing hello.txt.

You can set up symlinks using the ln command, which links one file to another. The benefit of this is it doesn’t take up storage space as if you were to actually “copy” the file manually (it’s essentially just a reference to the original file, remember?). It’s symbolically linked.

Setting Up and Using GNU Stow

GNU Stow utilizies symlinks, which means it’s built straight on top of unix/linux. I personally like this.

Get started by installing stow via your package manager, e.g. with brew install stow.

Next, we need to create a directory which is going to store our dotfiles, e.g. .dotfiles. This is essentially going to be the new "home" of all of your dotfiles. They are then going to be symlinked using stow to make them appear in the "correct" place they should be.

Stow uses a few different terms which you can find with man stow which will be important. They refer to the different directories stow uses. Here's a quick explanation:

Now that's out of the way, we can start using Stow.

Let's start with an example of a .bashrc or .zshrc file. Move the file into your new dotfiles directory (feel free to back it up first) with mv ~/.zshrc ~/.dotfiles/zsh. This will also create the zsh directory in your .dotfiles directory if it doesn't already exist.

Your directory should look something like this:

└── zsh
    └── .zshrc

So .dotfiles is the stow directory, and zsh is a package directory. So how do we set the target directory? How do we now get our .zshrc file to "appear" in our home directory like usual?

Well, this is actually fairly simple. The default target directory is the parent directory of wherever you are. So if you're in your ~/.dotfiles directory, the parent directory is ~. That's your home directory - exactly where we want our .zshrc to appear. Great! From within the .dotfiles directory just run stow zsh and the symlink will be created. Don't want it symlinked anymore? Run stow -D zsh to unstow it.

If you run ls -la in your home directory now, you should see something like this:

.zshrc -> .dotfiles/zsh/.zshrc

Which confirms the symlink is there. Also notice the direction of the symlink: the file on the left of the arrow is the "shortcut" or alias, and the original file is on the right hand side of the arrow.

Okay, so what about your files in the .config directory? How do you set these as the target?

Well, the benefit of stow is that whatever structure you put into a package directory is replicated to the target directory. Here's an example.

Let's say I am using kitty as my terminal (I am), and I store my configuration files in .config/kitty. If I want to use these with Stow, all I need to do is create a package directory (so in ./dotfiles make a directory called kitty), and inside of this, copy the directory structure (so, .config/kitty/kitty.conf).

This might seem a bit weird at first, as you have to copy the .config directory and relevant name for each package, but it makes each package really easy to manage, which is cool.

So when you do stow kitty, it takes the target directory ~ and combines it with the directory structure in your package .config/kitty/kitty.conf and so symlinks your file(s) to ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf so you don't have to specify a target directory each time, and it doesn't matter if you are using a new machine - if you re-stow it will just make your dotfiles "appear" where they are supposed to be.

That's pretty much it, I personally think using stow or at least using symlinks with a bash script is the the best way to manage your dotfiles. You can then just run git init in your .dotfiles directory and you know that anything you've put in there is there intentionally, and will be backed up on GitHub/whatever code forge you use.

I hope you enjoyed!