Being a Generalist

26 November 2024

I feel like I've been a generalist for a while now. I've worked at startups building products, coding, writing, marketing, and more, but I don't feel like I'm particularly great at any of them.

I'm a decent programmer and writer.

I'm passable at designing.

I'm good at it, but I grin and bear it when it comes to marketing.

Don't get me wrong, I've learnt a lot working at startups. The ins and outs of how a company functions, and the opportunity to wear a lot of hats is great. But I look around at the specialists, and I think:

"Wow, I wish I could design like that".

Or, "wow, I wish I was that good at coding".

I know they say that comparison is the thief of joy, but it's something more than that.

I think it's more about being a master of your craft - it's appealing and rewarding to be excellent at something, rather than feeling like you constantly lack knowledge.

Maybe the goal is to be T-shaped. Or maybe it's to embrace the madness and just "get good" at everything. Or maybe its to specialize.

I'm not sure.

All I can really do is keep moving forward, and keep improving in all the aspects of my work that I can. I wonder if any other generalists feel the same way.

I hope you enjoyed.